Learnosity Labs

Inject Mock API Example
Select the Code Example dropdown below to inject example config.
* Note that it will override current mock config in the textarea
Custom Code
JS code that will be executed after readyListener is called.
Feedback Aide Site Labs Usage
  • Click "Add new feedback item" to select the stimulus, response and (optional) rubric to create a new feedback session app.feedbackSession.
  • Steps to use the API predefined UI
    1. Public methods -> createUI: to create a UI helper object
    2. Public methods -> ui.attach: to render our predefined UI into the provided DOM hook
    3. Public methods -> ui.generateFeedback: to kick off our AI grading process
    4. (Optional) Public methods -> ui.generateFeedback().cancel(): to cancel the current running our AI grading process
    5. (Optional) Public methods -> ui.detach: to remove the current predefined UI
    6. (Optional)Public methods -> ui.getFeedback: to retrieve the final grading result
  • Steps to use the API without our predefined UI
    1. Feedback Session Events -> on('feedback:progress'): to start listening for ongoing grading process data
    2. Public methods -> feedbackSession.generateFeedback: to kick off our AI grading process
    3. Public methods -> feedbackSession.getFeedback: to retrieve the final grading result