Learnosity Labs

Inject Example config
Select the Code Example dropdown below to inject example config.
* Note that it will override current config in the textarea


                "total_widget": 100,     
                "widget_type": "mcq",  // default is mcq
                                           // clozedropdown, 
                                           // imageclozedropdown
                                           // audio
                                           // video
                                           // hotspot
                                           // mcq
                "questions": [],         // default is null                           
                "is_math": false,         // default is false
                "render_optimization": { // default is true
                    "defer_render": {
                        "stagger_interval": 1000,
                        "stagger": true
Benchmark Number of DOMs Load time

The performance is measured based on the average of executing the same process 5 times using the following env
