Learnosity Labs

The purpose of these demos are to showcase different Learnosity capabilities. Click the button for information on any demo.

Question types

Question types & Features

Demo individual quesiton types & features.

Questions & Features

Assessment player

Regions and layouts

Demonstrates the flexibility of laying out different options in the assessment player.


Demonstrates the 4 tools we have for learners to annotate their responses.


Customized UI

Custom UI

Customizing the UI for assessment via overriding CSS (and JavaScript).

Custom UI

Market specfic

Corporate demo

Demonstrating embedding the APIs inside a fictional customer environment for the corporate market.

Language Learning

A fictional language learning demo. There are 2 versions that are exactly the same, showing responsive design.

Desktop Tablet
Righ-to-left (RTL) / Middle East

Demonstrating the Authoring and Assessment APIs rendering in righ-to-left with Arabic content.

Authoring Assessment
Computer Science (coding)

Demonstrating how you might author a computer science assessment.



End to End

Demo the primary APIs through Authoring → Assessment → Reporting.

End to End
Mastery Learning

Showcases the try again (and dynamic content) capability, allowing learners to drill and kill to attain mastery learning.

Try again
Action builder

Showcases action builder, particularly useful for younger grades.

Action builder
Custom feedback

Demonstrating the use of contextual author generated feedback for a question.

Custom questions

A custom question type simulating a piano keyboard for a music exam.

Piano type