Learnosity Labs

Multiple Choice

While Learnosity offers so much more, the multiple choice question (MCQ) is among the most popular question types used in assessments globally. With a range of options for customization at your disposal, we provide all you need to create MCQs that are as simple or sophisticated as you like. Support multiple responses; add in-question distractor notes and hints; tailor question layouts, add rich text, images, math content and HTML anywhere you want.

Simple MCQ

The simple multiple choice question using radio buttons. Edit

Block layout

Simple multiple choice question with block buttons. Edit

Multiple choice with images

Here we add images into each answer option to enhance the question. Edit

Multiple choice with audio and imagery.

Here we add images and audio into each answer option to enhance the question. Edit

Multiple Choice - Multiple Response

A common variation on the basic MCQ question is the Multi-Response where radio boxes are replaced with check-boxes and the user is asked for more than one response. In Learnosity these questioins can be configured with or without penalty points, and the UI can be set to prompt the user when the number of answers they have provided is too few or too many.

Multiple Choice - Multiple Response

A multi-response question requiring at least two responses but no more than three. Edit

Choice matrix

Our choice matrix question type supports multiple choice questions with shared responses, scored as a whole. The choice matrix question requires learners to evaluate one or more row items using a set of column options.

Choice matrix with a single answer.

Choice matrix with a single answer per row Edit

Choice matrix with multiple responses

Choice matrix where any number of responses can be given per row. In this example the question is laid out as a table. Edit

Choice matrix with multiple responses

Choice matrix where any number of responses can be given per row. In this example the question uses an inline layout. Edit


The rating question can be used to obtain valuable learner feedback or as a rubric for teachers to provide feedback of their own to learners. Content creators have full control over question values, labels, tooltips, descriptions, colors, and font sizes.

Obtain learner feedback or use as a rubric type.

Cloze - Fill In The Blanks

These questions allow the learner to input a response into a passage of text or onto an image. The inputs can be types, can be dropped, or they can be selected from a drop-down. See below for examples.

Fill In The Blanks with Text

Learners can type their responses into response boxes that have been placed into a passage of text by the content author. Edit

Fill In The Blanks with Text

In this example the questionm is laid out in table format. Edit

Fill In The Blanks with Drag & Drop

Learners can drag their responses from a list of options set by the author into empty response boxes. Edit

Fill In The Blanks with Drag & Drop - Duplicate Responses

In this example the learner can use the same response option more than once. Edit

Fill In The Blanks with Drag & Drop - Grouped Responses

Here the response options are grouped. Edit

Fill In The Blanks with Drag & Drop - Text, Math & HTML

Here the response options are grouped. Edit

Fill In The Blanks with Drag & Drop - Images

In this example the question is made entirely from images. Edit

Fill In The Blanks by drop down

This question allows students to select the correct answer from a response box drop down menu situated in a passage of text. Edit

Fill In The Blanks by drop down on images

In this examples the dropdown boxes are overlaid on top of an image. Edit

Classify, Match & Order

Learnosity offers four types of classification, matching and sorting questions.

Match List

Allow students to drag and drop elements to create matched pairs. This question type can be used to evaluate how students create associations and relationships between two lists of items. Perfect for subjects like history and geography. Edit

Categorize with drag and drop

The classification question allows students to categorize a list of possible responses (in the form of words or images) into a table. Edit

Order List

With the order list question, students can re-organize a list of words, paragraphs of text, or sentences within a paragraph, into the right order. Edit

Sort List

The sort list question challenges students to drag, highlight, and move items to cluster them into groups. Edit

Sort List within a paragraph

THere the list is in the form of sentences within a paragraph which must be rearranged. Edit

Text and Essay

Learnosity provides short text questions, as well as open ended long text questions where the learner inputs a response in a text area which supports plaintext, rich text and character mapping.

Essay answers

Essay questions let students input longer, more detailed answers. Simple formatting options – such as bold, italics, underline, bullets, subscript, superscript – help reviewers ensure that student responses share layout consistency.
Essay questions are also available with full rich text formatting. These questions allow students to submit an essay-length response of up to 10,000 words, making it ideal for accommodating deeper thought processes and complex answers. Edit

Short text answers

The short text question allows students to respond to questions with short, definite answers.
Auto-scoring on short text questions can be set so that it supports multiple correct answers and awards individual scores. Authors can easily determine scoring parameters to accept any text containing the correct response. Edit

Character Map

With character map, authors can add atypical letters and symbols in other languages (e.g. ó, ç, ñ) or in math and science (e.g. μ, ∞ ,≤,) and make them available for the students in essay text questions.
There are two character maps available: the default alpha character map and the numerical character map. You can also create a custom character map that works specifically with your question content. Edit

Audio & Video

Learnosity uses Audio & Video in many ways. Audio and Video players are available in our Features menu. We also offer Simple Features which allows audio and video to be embedded into any text field in our question editor. In addition to this, Audio and Video can also be used as a means of taking responses from students. In this section we examine the Learnosity Audio Recorder and the Video Recorder question types.

Audio recording

Empower content creators and students to control how they capture audio elements or record spoken responses with precision. Designed to perform seamlessly even in low-bandwidth environments, our audio questions are ideal for remotely evaluating language learning in any region. Edit

Click the record button to begin. This question type will need access to your device's microphone.

Listen and Repeat

Here we use the Audio Player and the Audio Recorder together to create an audio-driven question. Edit

Click Play on the audio player. Then click the record button to begin recording your response. This question type will need access to your device's microphone.

Video recording

Increase student engagement with video support. Say goodbye to time-consuming rendering or file encoding with quick and easy video recording and submission. Perfect for language learning, corporate training, and more. Edit

Click the record button to begin. This question type requires access to a webcam.

Watch and Repeat

In this case the student is asked to watch a short video, then make a video recording of themselves repearting the line from that video Edit

After you watch the video click the record button to begin. This question type requires access to a webcam.

Highlight & Drawing

Learnosity's Highlight & Drawing category comprises of a series of visual question types.'

Draw on an image

The image highlight question allows the student to input a response in the form of drawing, freehand, on an image uploaded by the author. Edit

Move your cursor to draw on the image.

Upload and annotate an image

Students can also upload and annotate an image. The question can be used in two ways. The author can use the annotation tool to add response labels on an image they have uploaded, allowing for auto-scoring, or they can ask the students to upload an image directly and then use the annotation tool to place and label the response areas. Edit

Learners can annotate any images they upload.

Custom hotspots on an image

The hotspot question lets authors upload images from their own devices or enter a source URL. Students can draw responses directly onto the uploaded image. The question type is readily applicable in fields such as the natural sciences, geography, as well as in areas of corporate learning such as compliance training. Edit

Select an area of the image below and check the answer.

Shading Question - Geography

Here the students is asked to click on the canvas to show a representation of land coverage on Earth. Edit

Shading Question - Math

The shading question is often used in mathematics, as shown in this example. Edit

Shading Question - Math - Young Learners

The shading question is designed for use by younger learners. Edit

Shading Question - Creative

Here the student is asked to select the correct location on the canvas. Edit


Fast, fluid, and flexible—Learnosity Math simplifies everything from authoring math questions to scoring them to unlock your product’s potential to drive better learner outcomes.

Cloze Math - Simple

The Cloze Math question allows students to easily enter math as a response, with advanced validation capabilities using math specific scoring methods. The student enters a math response into one or more response boxes, set by the author. These response boxes can be placed on more than one line, as part of an equation or inline with text.
This is a very simple example. Edit

Cloze Math - equivSymbolic

Here the Learnosity Math engine comes into play. Using the equivSymbolic scoring method any equivalent answer is accepted. Edit

Cloze Math - Multi

Here is a cloze math question using a different layout and comprising of two responses. Edit

Math Essay With Rich Text

The Math essay with rich text question type allows students to input text and math formula within the same response, usually when a response needs further explanation or math is required to be entered within the text of a written document. This question is manually scored. Edit


Accurately measure students’ knowledge of expressions, factorization, and scientific notation. 5 examples below. Edit


Give your students the most complete algebra learning experience. 5 examples below. Edit


Including transformations, lines and angles, and coordinate geometry, our range of math question types lets you test students’ knowledge of geometry. Edit


Easily assess learners’ pre-calculus knowledge of functions, logarithms, and more. Edit


The Learnosity Graphing question types present the learner with a grid or numberline on which they plot various elements.

Plot Graphing

The Graphing question type allows students to plot points, lines, and shapes on a coordinate grid. This is an auto-scored question type. 5 examples are shown below. Edit

Add to a number line by plotting

Authors can customize the size and points on the number line to suit the needs of the question. As a response, the student can drag or drop values to the line, or plot inequalities on the line, where required. Edit

Add to a number line by drag and drop

The number line drag and drop question allows students to drag points or images onto a number line. Edit


The Chart question allows students to create or modify Bar Charts, Line Charts, Histograms, Dot Plots, and Line Plots. Authors have the option to pre-populate the chart with as much or as little data as desired.

Bar charts

Drag the charts to match the appropriate value. Edit

Line charts

Drag the points on the graph to their corresponding amounts. Edit


Drag the bar chart for 2015 to the appropriate value. Edit

Dot and line plot

Drag the dots to complete the dot plot. Edit


Flexible, autoscorable chemistry Question types, using our powerful scoring engine.

Chemistry formula

At the heart of chemistry are formulas. This question makes it easy to ask students to input partial, or full chemical formulas. Questions can be text, or image based. Edit

Chemistry formula cloze

Another way to deliver formula questions, the cloze chemistry question lets students fill in the blanks in a formula by choosing numbers and symbols from a selection. Edit

Chemistry formula image

Invite students to complete a complex chemical formula by typing their answer into the response boxes embedded in an image. Edit


Learnosity Features are used to enhance your assessments; they can appear in Items alongside Questions, or they can appear on their own. Features are created using the Question Editor, in the same way that Questions are created.

Basic calculator

Built for easy navigation across all mobile devices, the basic calculator provides the functions for simple arithmetic – addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Edit

Click the calculator button to activate the basic calculator.

Scientific calculator

The scientific calculator lets students easily enter more complex math expressions with a full range of symbol groups such as algebra, trigonometry, calculus, and geometry available. Edit

Click the calculator button to activate the scientific calculator.

Line reader in questions

In the example below, the line reader is embedded in a single question. Click on the line reader button to display the tool. Click and drag the line reader to move it around the page, and click and drag the bottom right corner of the line reader to resize. Edit

Line reader in assessments

The line reader can also be added to the student menu in an assessment, making it available for use on any question, throughout the entire assessment. Click on the menu icon in the top left corner of the assessment to access the line reader.

Audio player

Using WebRTC instead of Flash, Learnosity’s audio player offers a seamless audio experience. Embed various audio player types into any question or rapidly upload them in MP3 format. Our highly configurable UI lets you add captions, set playback limits, autoplay content, and give students play/pause, seek, and volume controls. Edit

Click play, then listen and answer.

Video player

Quickly upload videos directly from your device or embed them into questions from the likes of YouTube, Vimeo, and Brightcove. Specify video size and give students more control over how they consume content with play/pause controls – or explore autoplay options to set your own test tempo. Edit

Press play and watch video to help answer the question.


Students can easily drag and drop protractors onto the screen, position or rotate them to more easily calculate angles and make online geometry questions more engaging. Edit

Click on a box to activate the protractor tool.


Choose from a metric or imperial measurements and four different ruler lengths ranging from 6 inches to 30 centimeters. Edit

Select a measurement tool to find the answers.

Image tool

Use images of your own to customize interactive on-screen tools and graphics. The image tool feature lets authors add and resize images of their own into question content. By setting the level of interactivity, authors can let students easily drag and rotate custom images – making the tool perfect for adding custom rulers, grids, or other shapes and objects that are required by the question type in use. Edit

Use the image tool to calculate your answer.